Heating by Microwaves

1. Heating of liquid water and ice irradiated by far-infrared electromagnetic
waves: Theoretical study by quantum mechanical molecular dynamics

Mat.Res.Soc. (2013).

2. Effective permittivity and permeability of coated metal powders at
microwave frequency
... Physica B (2010)

3. Selective heating mechanism of magnetic metal oxides by a microwave
magnetic field
... Phys.Rev.B. (2009)

4. Numerical study of microwave heating of micrometer size metal particles
ISIJ Intern'l. (2008).

5. Enhanced heating of salty water and ice under microwaves: Molecular
dynamics study
... JMPEE (2008)

6. Microwave heating of water, ice and saline solution: Molecular dynamics
... J.Chem.Phys. (2007)

Plasmas and Soft-Condensed Matters

7. Generation of high-quality mega-electron volt proton beams with
intense-laser-driven nanotube accelerator

... Applied Phys. Letters (2013)

8. Nanocluster expansion into vacuum and quasi-mono energetic spectrum
by uniformly distributed contaminant ions
... Phys.Plasmas (2008)

9. DNA in nanopores: Counterion condensation and coion depletion


First-Principle Molecular Dynamics

10. First-principles molecular dynamics studies of plasma-surface
... J. Korean Phys. Soc. (2006)

Parallel Computing

11. PC cluster machine equipped with low-latency communication software
Arxiv: physics (2004)

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